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Edudzi ADODO

Afrika Youth Impact Forum (AYIF-TOGO)

Africa is characterized by an emerging middle class, and strong demographic growth with a majority of its population under the age of thirty. These characteristics are an opportunity for the continent if this youth is engaged in its development and in the economic integration of the countries of the region.

Aware of the stakes, the vision of the President of the Togolese Republic, His Excellency Faure Essozimna Gnassingbe, has been to promote the capacity building of Togolese entrepreneurs, mainly young people, by creating platforms for the exchange of African "success stories". Under his high patronage, TI Consulting and Afrika Nunya, a pan-African think tank with its headquarters in Togo, have launched the Afrika Youth Impact Forum (AYIF).  The purpose of this forum is to provide a framework for knowledge exchange and experience sharing, for the youth and by the youth, on subjects of importance for their future and for the development of Africa. 

The first edition of AYIF (AYIF-Togo) took place in Lome during July 28th and 29th, 2023 at the Centre Togolais des Expositions et Foires de Lome (CETEF). This two day event was organized in close collaboration and with support from government ministries and agencies: the Ministry of Trade, Handicrafts and Local consumption, the Ministry of Communication and Media and the Support Fund for Youth Economic Initiatives (FAIEJ). 

The theme of AYIF-Togo was "Creating and Leading Businesses that Impact the Local Economy”. The objectives of the forum were two-fold firstly, to contribute to capacity building and changing the mentality of entrepreneurs for the ongoing process of evolution of the Togolese entrepreneurial ecosystem; Secondly, to provide entrepreneurs with an opportunity to meet a potential investor, gain useful advice and, for a selected few who show the most promise and fulfil investment ready criteria, potentially receive investment.

AYIF-Togo brought together 443 participants including 236 entrepreneurs from the interior of Togo. It also included 46 students from the Faculty of Sciences and Management (FASEG) from the University of Kara and 37 female traders and members of trading cooperatives across Togo.

The opening ceremony was honoured by the presence of three government ministers: Mr. Kokou Edem Tengue, Minister of Maritime Economy, Fisheries and Coastal Protection, personal representative of the President of the Togolese Republic; Mr. Akodah Ayewouadan, Minister of Communication, Media, Government Spokesperson; and Mrs. Mawunyo Mila Aziable, Minister Delegate to the President of the Republic in charge of Energy and Mines.

The forum’s guest of honour and keynote speaker was Mr. Iyin Aboyeji, Chief Executive Officer and General Partner of Future Africa, Africa's largest seed-stage investor that has invested millions of dollars in over a hundred start-ups across Africa.

The programme of activities included plenary conferences followed by Q&A sessions, special meetings with the keynote speaker and networking sessions.  Three master classes addressed key topics:  master class 1 on “The Entrepreneur’s Mindset”, master class 2 on “The Risk Strategy”, and master class 3 on “The Importance of Good Corporate Governance to Maximize the Potential of your Business”.

Participants had the opportunity to gain insights from distinguished speakers such as Minsob Logou, Chief Executive Officer of Foufoumix SA and creator of the ‘Foufoumix’, Jonas Daou, Chief Executive Officer of Zener SA and President of the Association des Grandes Entreprises du Togo (AGET), as well as Patrice Anato, a former French senator who were also present during the second day of the conference.


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